Friday, July 13, 2018


When I finish university, I would like to work in public politics, although I’m not 100% convinced.

There are many social problems in neoliberal societies. I would like to work in public politics because I think that sociology can provide a global view on those problems and I believe that public politics are a way to solve many things that seem wrong to me. 

I think that to work on this, it is necessary to be organized, methodical, committed and creative to invent new solutions. I believe that this last dimension could be the most difficult for me because I’m not a really creative person.

On the other hand, more negative, there are many procedures that are part of public politics. I consider many of them very tedious and unnecessary, but I`m realistic and I think that in all jobs or areas there are things that you like and things that you do not like. 

I think a satisfaction that could give me work on public politics is to feel that I am helping to change a bit the social reality. I also believe it can be a stable job and that is very important for me because I already have two children who require stability and a lot of my time and my energy.

1 comment:

  1. I like very much your post, I wish you good luck in your future job!
    Regards :)
