Friday, August 3, 2018


What is your opinion about the Chilean tradition called ‘mechoneo’?
I think “mechoneo” is a very bad student customs. Year after year the older students make new students feel humiliated in an initiation ceremony by the harassment or abuse in search of repeating the harassment that they suffered the previous year from older students. I think that “mechoneo” is a form to maintain power relationships that not contribute to build a better society.

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
I think elective abortion is a social necessity, not only in some cases. Women must be able to decide on their bodies. Today many women have an abortion independently if this practice has been decriminalised. The problem is that poor women live in serious situations where their lives are at stake. I think that the state must take action in this social problem and legalise abortion and promote sexual education.

What is your opinion about legalising marijuana?
I think legalising marijuana must be for all uses, not only for medicinal use. People consume marijuana independent of legality. If research shows that consumption can increase, legalising must be accompanied by education.
On the other hand, drug trafficking is a serious situations in most countries, where violence increase. The international experience show that legalisation contribute to stop drug trafficking.

What is your opinion about recycling?
I think our planet is at a critical moment. Capitalism has made us exploit natural resources without limits. I think recycling is very important but is not enough. It’s only a partial solution. While we don’t change capitalism, the way we produce and we consume, the problem will continue to exist.

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