Friday, August 24, 2018


Since I was at school, English has been difficult for me. I always thought “I don’t like it and I will never learn”. Now, I think that I didn’t like it because it was hard for me to learn and I preferred easy things. It was a problem of tolerance to frustration.
In the university, I changed my opinion. English is still difficult for me but I really want to learn. One of things that I liked the most was using the blog. When I have to write a text, I have to consider many aspects of the languages. Many times I don’t know what or how to write but I search in the dictionary or ask the teacher. My main problem is the time. I need a lot of time to do it well. To finish the longest blog, I have to work at home.
There are many aspects of my English that I need to improve. I think one of the most important is oral English. I have to dare more and practice without fear of being wrong. My plan is to take advantage of the visit of my Canadian cousins. Also, I would like to continue writing blogs to practice more the grammar. Finally, to improve my vocabulary, I plan to use cell phones applications.
At present, I rarely use English. Sometimes I help to study my son but I seldom read or speak with someone in English. I would like to do it much more because I know that it is a very important tool. I hope I can do it now.

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