Thursday, May 11, 2017

When I started to study Social Work, I bought my first book in the books store of Catholic University. This book was Las venas abiertas de América Latina by Eduardo Galeano. The book was in my shelf all this year. When finished this year, I left the career and I travelled to the north of Chile. I travel in bus a long time and this book came with me. The book is about the history of Latin America since the colonization until the Latin America contemporary times and, it shows the permanent sack of the natural resources from the colonizers.
The book mixes many styles of writing, among which the essay and the novel. This is perfect for me because I was never a good reader of literature.

I very enjoyed because it mead me think different about the history of Latin America. Since this moment I started to interesting a lot for the research about the reality of our continent. 

1 comment:

  1. I've never read books of Eduardo Galeano, but I think he is a interesting writer because I've heard a lot about his texts!
