Tuesday, May 2, 2017

There are many social problems in neoliberal societies. One issue that I consider very important in our country are the pensions. In Chile, most elderly people retire the job with miserable pensions. All one life working and pay contributions but the system operates with individual logic. Everyone have to save itself. During the work life you cant save enough, the result can be awful. Not exist caring logic that allows redistribute the resources or to encourage support between generations.
We must changes the role of the state. Change subsidiary state for that private initiative don’t be the pillar of the system rather than the public initiative.
I believe that this it’s one of the most important issue because it is a basic right and as society we confront the aging of the populations and this process can go increase.

Recently, this topic has began to discuss thanks to social movements against to AFPs. This movement has called many people to the streets to fight to dignify old age.

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