Monday, April 24, 2017

On the last decades there has been many transformations in politic and economy  that have redefine strongly the work place in the contemporary society.
One of the most important aspect of this structural changes has been the weakness of the workers organizations established during the 20th’s century. This has produced a decrease of political and social power of the syndicalism in most parts of the world.
In it’s place, a new style of business administration has taken relevance, recognized as Human Resources Management and this has put and accent on improving the general productivity of the company.
In this aspect, inside the work place, there are more worries about the commitment of the employees to the company and the development of softer abilities. This news style of management is a part of the big transformation of the work place.

There is not  enough reflexion in sociology about this topic, that research enough of the contradictions that exist in the work relations.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

This holidays, I went with my family to Pucon to my uncles house. All days was raining. Bad luck! But we didn´t want stay at home because the south of Chile has a lot beautiful place's. We bought layers of water and decided to went for a walk around the house. We founded incredible narrow path´s. There were walls full of vegetation and flowers and little waterfalls everywhere. We walked two hours for the rocks and only we listened the birds and my little son jumping in the water.
This was a really beautiful experience. The children were very surprised that there were so many expeditions so close by the house. After that, we went every days in search of news path’s.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

My name is Carolina García. I study sociology in the University of Chile. I am a member of Izquierda Autónoma and I have two lovely sons. I love my carrer, Sociology it`s very interesting but most of my time now I care my little sons. My eldest son, Facundo, has 4 years and my minor son, Luciano, has 5 months.

I am very restless and I have a lot of energy. I love the nature, adventures, sport and travelling because they help me to relax.